A very versatile weld inspection scanner, the MultiMag can be configured for inspecting pipe to pipe or pipe to elbow circumferential welds, as well as single sided inspections of pipe to fitting welds. It can hold phased array, TOFD or pulse-echo transducers.
The MultiMag has large magnetic wheels that provide a stable platform and a smooth rolling motion. The frame includes angular adjustment to enable the scanner to be used on small diameter pipes. It can be used to test welds on pipes from 3” up to flat plate. The wheels can be positioned anywhere along the scanning frame to give the flexibility to configure the scanner to suit the inspection geometry.
The MultiMag can hold up to four transducers, arranged as two pairs on either side of the weld. The transducers are mounted to sprung-loaded toolposts that push them onto the surface with a constant force providing a stable positioning system. The transducers can easily be re-positioned relative to the weld, fixed in place with a thumb screw. The toolposts incorporate gimbals in two directions to ensure the transducers stay in contact and accommodate surface variations. Low-profile toolposts are available for operation when surface clearance is restricted.
The MultiMag can operate with any multi-channel flaw detection system. It includes a sprung-loaded wheel encoder that is wired to suit the customer’s instrumentation. Optional accessories include a guide chain to maintain scanner alignment and direction or a laser guide for the operator to track a weld line by eye.
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